Friday, November 14, 2008

comment on a blog

comment under hking On the Abortion blog.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Central Texas voters education

This Author is talking to the voting population of Austin as a whole. While this Author obviously has a positive outlook on the world for people like me, I think putting a band aid on a bleeding artery doesn’t make it better. The main issue I have with this editorial is the bill we passed for education in Austin. We as a city ALWAYS vote for ANYTHING related to schools and our children yet year after year the problem in the school system get worse and our idiot children get dumber and dumber. Stop giving money to school administrations that pocket it. This great new raise we gave our teachers that they so dearly deserve ends up being ( after being filter through the administration)approximately eighty dolor a paycheck. The only thing an eighty dollar raise does is remind you of how screwed you are financially. I say so no more money until the administration downsizes itself 50% and raises are given for teachers whose students increase their academic levels. Why does a teacher that passes anyone get the same raise as the teacher who’s up till two a.m. planning their curriculum and grading papers? They shouldn’t. I respect teachers and think that they are Americas top assets but if thy do not do the job they are hired for i.e. teach our children, then they shouldn’t be rewarded. Our schools are failing us and our children we need to take a stand and stop these bureaucracies from spreading like the cancer they are.

What is she talking about? Read it Here