Friday, December 12, 2008

my comment on someone thoughts

My Comment on these thoughts
It is just not realistic to expect people to do that kind of research. Straight ticket voting might go against our founding fathers, but it is exactly what today’s America is about, quick and easy, nothing else. If people did that kind of research I seriously, doubt they would be voting inside their party lines anyway. Do not get me wrong personally, I do not think you should get a vote unless you do some investigation of the candidates but that will never happen. Straight line voting is in place because people have set political ideologies and believe (for some reason) that the politicians belonging to the same groups reflect these ideals.

Thoughts on Straight-Voting
In this editorial, “Don't vote straight-ticket”, published in the Dallas Morning Paper, is targeting the registered voters of Dallas and all the online readers that have not voted yet. He established his credibility by referencing specific candidates in specific state races and offers voting records, political history, and political advice. The writer advocates for each voter to not do the lazy thing and vote straight-ticket, but instead, investigate, research, and educate oneself on each candidate. In doing so, the writer claims that you will become an educated voter and will not be wasting one’s time in the voting booth. The author presents logical arguments by showing how a supporter of one party might support the more qualified candidate of another party and vice versa after they investigate the candidates further. The author also makes the powerful and persuasive argument concerning what could happen if a voter were to vote straight ticket by saying, “Voters who fall back on the straight-party option also will bypass legal heavyweights seeking judicial posts – jobs that have little to do with partisan politics.” I agree with the author. He makes a powerful claim and presents persuasive points. Voting-straight is plain lazy. It goes against everything our Founding Fathers had in mind when they founded out country and our democracy. As the author also said, by taking time to become educated on individual candidates, a voter will be doing justice to the voting system and democratic government. This essay was written by

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not Nationwide

This editorial was written for all the people of Texas except of course for insurance agencies.
This editorial was upsetting enough to contemplate moving to a different state. This article is about how nationwide car insurance will go to any lengths to not pay for a claim. What makes this worse is that the Texas court system votes 87% of the time for insurers and large corporations, no joking aside that makes my stomach hurt. The fact that OUR own court system is for big business and not for the people is enraging, we need to stop allowing these people into office. WAKE UP PEOPLE! These things are not going to change until we say and do something, like I don’t know, maybe holding our political court systems and judges responsible for there actions.
This bulk of this editorial is about how upon running a red light and evading a police officer Richard gibbons accidently hit and severely injured the Tanner family including there 7 year old son. Because nationwide says that once Gibbins was speeding, he voided the terms of his insurance….Are you kidding me? If everyone obeyed, the speed limit and driving rules there would be NO need for insurance in the first place.
Have I mentioned the 87% of the cases in the Supreme Court that involve large corporations are awarded to said corporations? It is an important fact. If insurance companies are not going to do there job them we should not pay them. I for one recommend if nothing else, you drop your Nationwide Company. You have to hit businesses where it hurts in there profits.

Read this article here at